
Showing posts from March, 2009

Automotive Steel Technology

Each automobile component is designed to unique conditions and criteria such as durability, crash energy management, appearance, formability, cost. Steel has the best combination of engineering capability versus material cost. Steel is formable, weldable, strong and has state-of-the-art coating that will help resist corrosion. In addition, it is cost effective and has good surface appearance. We have gathered and organized information along with a comparison chart of mechanical properties pertaining to every steel available for use in automotive applications today. We have also created a list of our publications should there be a specific topic you would like to research. Grades and Products Low-Carbon Steels Commercial Steel (CS) Type B Drawing Steel (DS) Type B Deep-Drawing Steel Extra Deep-Drawing Steel Dent-Resistant Steels Bake-Hardenable Steel Rephosphorized Steels High-Strength Steels Advanced High-Strength Steels DUAL-TEN® (Dual Phase) Steel DUAL-TEN® 590/600 Steel DUAL-TE...

Peranan Standar Internasional dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi

Sebagai tindak lanjut hasil sidang TBT/WTO yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 5-6 November 2008, Committee sepakat untuk menyelenggarakan workshop pada tanggal 16-17 Maret 2009 di Kantor Pusat WTO, Jenewa dengan tema The Role of International Standards in Economic Development. Pelaksanaan workshop tersebut mengawali sidang tahunan TBT Committee yang berlangsung pada tanggal 18 dan 19 Maret 2009 di tempat yang sama. Indonesia sebagai anggota WTO berpartisipasi dengan mengirimkan peserta pada workshop dimaksud, yang terdiri atas 11 orang wakil dari BSN, Departemen Perdagangan, dan Departemen Perindustrian. Anggota DELRI akan mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan kecuali 2 wakil dari BSN hanya mengikuti workshop dan tidak mengikuti sidang reguler TBT Committee. Delegasi Indonesia tiba di Jenewa, Swiss disambut oleh Nurlaila Nur Muhammad, Atase Perdagangan RI di Jenewa. Workshop yang berlangsung selama 2 hari terbagi menjadi 4 sesi dan dilaksanakan secara panel. Materi yang disampaik...